Pathways Inspirational Development

Pathways Inspirational Development > Cookies & Privacy Policy


Cookie Policy

The Pathways website, like many others, uses small files called ‘cookies’ to help customise your experience. Cookies are stored by the web browser on your computer. They allow us to tailor the appearance of some of our pages to suit your needs and to optimise the site’s performance.

We only use anonymous session cookies on this site. These allow us to streamline the generation of the site content for efficiency and are not used for any other purpose. We do not use tracking cookies or third-party cookies and we do not collect personal information using cookies.

By using the Pathways website, you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to our use of cookies in this way, you can set your browser settings to control or disable cookies. Information on controlling and deleting cookies on a variety of popular web browsers is available at Refusing cookies from our site will not prevent you from using any part of the site.

Privacy Policy

If you provide personal information including your name and email address by using our ‘Contact’ facility, the details are transmitted to us via our hosting company’s mail handling system and are used solely for the purpose of contacting you in response to your request. We do not share your information with any other organisation.


  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost